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@sardonicsmile depending on what you are looking for, you need to use all of them. i primarily use ddg which is backed primarily by bing. if i need more data, i use google. if i am looking for something i know will be censored, i use yandex. no search engine has all the results any more. google has largest index but censorship cripples its viability.

Turkey requesting to join BRICS, soon to ditch NATO, now Egypt telling US to fuck off and buying the Chinese 4th generation J10-C

@RadiumLE85 south korea elected president that run on pushing against feminism. after election, he made a 180° turn. no politician can be trusted.

If you are young(<30yo) or skilled(<40yo) tech guy and you take your future seriously, move to China for IT/Tech jobs. The future is in the east.

@mutageno2 "troubling trend" ... like "they are learning the truth"? :D lfg

@DicusMaximus did he mean inability to get white women or their own?

@mutageno2 i've been seeing a lot of people looking for tech jobs and not being able to find them. i have been also hearing a lot of outsourcing into india. so yes, i totally see this happening in real time. it makes sense when you think about how western tech companies blew up due to cheap money, producing little/no value, now having to actually start making money when borrowing money is no longer free/cheap. though SW is not bound to HW/location, i would'nt worry about jobs moving permanently.

literally everything related to covid is a biological weapon, they just relabelled it as vaccination. depopulation agenda is totally a conspiracy theory.

If you are into funky/weird comedy, The Mighty Boosh is worth a watch. 3 season, 20 episodes in total.

@PordanJeterson that's what jews do. they infiltrate and manipulate things from within. they are like vampires, once you invite them in, it's over.

Justicar boosted

@Justicar Islam built civilizations while you’re still struggling to construct a coherent thought. Evolution really skipped you huh?

it's weird that linkin park replaced chester with a woman. it's like "yo, ches, you were great, but.. this chick is now the shit, so ... thanks, bye bye."

@AKEmon869 haram is overused term. originally it meant sacred enclosure of the gods where mortals were forbidden to cross into. usually a peak or mound.

And as TFM points out, nationalism is the most dangerous stance a citizen can take, that endangers globalist jews who want to control everything from top to bottom on a worldwide scale. Nationalism also allows people to organize and form a unified opposition to the foreign rulers of individual countries and nationalist will put their own well being over others'.

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