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You could say that Clintons are running the the most successful suicide hotline there ever was or will be 😄

Has anyone noticed how suddenly, being anti-zionist is not anti-semitic? The noticing among populi continues.

@Tfmonkey since you're so much into robot waifus, how come you have not mention EDI from Mass Effect even once on your show? Seems incongruent with your image 😏

Just came from a walk...saw a lost pet poster on a street was for a tortoise :PikaShocked:

I just found my two year long investment came to an end with a $156k loss. The financial hit hurts, psychological loss hurts as well. But we learn through pain, so after I get over it, I will be better for it. Only second stock I lost money on. Funnily enough, both were USA companies that fucked their investors over...makes you wonder about the american corporate culture and its treatment of investors...

Notice that when men are in charge, everywhere you look you see beauty. When women are in charge, everywhere you look you see ugly. Isn't that interesting...

Any cigar smokers here? This year i am having a lot of cigars have these holes in them that cause uneven burning throughout. Various purchases, manufacturers, countries. Any idea what is going on? Effects of lack of skilled roller after covid or what...

@Tfmonkey blackpilled will be doing stream on moonlanding soon. He said he will prove it. Will be worth watching. Also we walked on the moon 160 years after first flight but 80 years after we still cannot do it. Makes one wonder, especially given the circumstances of geopolitics back then.

@Tfmonkey you often keep saying you have no cohosts to stream with. How about changing your streaming schedule tu suit Europe time zone more favourably and see if there is more active pool of listeners to engage with?

This is just a reminder for myself that three days ago i have figured it out.

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.