When i see fathers in real life, all i see is wasted potential. Family takes away all your time and energy. There is no way you can make a lot of money as a family man. Avoid women until you reach your full potential and secure yourself for life. Family then is merely a bonus or something to focud your free time on. A project, if you will.
There are are always strong men in the society. Problem is that when there are too many weak men, strong men cannot do what needs to be done because the weak men wil fight the strong men. It is a society-wide white knight syndrome. Strong men could fight the weak men but government serves the weak men. Srong men could fight it, like IRA, but then what are you fighting for? Is it still your society or have you rather became stranger in your own land?
Islam was made up in the year 610. By year 711, Muslims took over Spain and Portugal. That is in 100 years of the religion's existence. Then Muslims proceeded to take over large parts of Europe, until 1492, 781 years after, when Christian Europeans started to push them back and they succeeded by 1609, yet another 117 years. Europe, as we know it today, was therefore mostly Muslim for majority of its 'modern' era. It took 900 years to get rid of Muslims. And now Europe is opening their borders...
As i have tested some linux distributions lately, i have to say that it got better over the years but overall i think linux is exactly where it was 25 years ago, when i tried mandriva or something like that. yes, it kept with the time and got better but only relatively. which means it's still as good, or as bad, as it always was.
😅 even the toughest MGTOW or ruthless mysogynist must appreciate what nature can produce. jaw-dropping beauty can still be found in this world. obviously, look, but don't touch.
Cristy Ren
Devon started talking about TWRA. Time for @Tfmonkey to hop on stream with him. Blackpill vs redpill. Jews vs mgtow. Well...not vs. It is actually the opposite. Both could learn more about the other's "field of expertise".
Devon found how the elites think and what is behind open borders and white replacement. It is in later part of the video. tl;dw version is that all they care about is the amount of consumers because that ensures wealth growth.
Because you still have hope that this war will end with your honor intact. Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.