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it's like people that make hardware, specifically mice, were missing in class when human anatomy has been taught and that is why they think people have 4 fingers on their hands and they make hardware with that in mind...

It is surprising how fast people forgot that Israel launched NUCLEAR BOMB against Iran, per Pepe Escobar's reporting couple of monthd ago.

Measuring temperature for weather without measuring intensity of the sun is nonsensical.

@Tfmonkey if you hate carnivore so much, try fasting for a week and see if it helps with the pain.

what happened to all those celebrities that swore to leave usa if Trump becomes president back in 2017? are they doing well?

seems chinese already have drone deliveries. see from 1min to 2min of the video at the beginning

Cigars are the hidden secret for longetivity. Best destresser out there. Give it a go.

Fall came over night right aftet the hottest week of the year. Feels a little depressing. But at least i am no longer sweating by simply existing 😎

i should start making my own computer keyboards and mice. the market is such a garbage these days, it's unbelievable.

We do not trust strangers by default. We do not expect police to protect us or our possessions. We do not expect ambulance to come in time and save your life. We do not expect to get a fair trial. We do not expect schools to teach kids useful things. We do not trust the media. We do not trust anything the government says. We do not expect roads to not have pot holes. We do not expect public transportation to be on time. If this is not living in a decaying society, then I do not know what is.

every female brain exposed to modern media is damaged beyond repair.

I find it very interesting that all religions and the bible describe actual events, by actual people, in actual places, corroborated and witnessed by many people, yet we chose to interpret them as fiction and inject them with spirituality, metaphors and various non factual views and twists to impose spirituality and theology on them in order to turn them into a religion. To this day no one points out that the king is naked. It is so strange. But i guess most do not actually read that much..

Haha, Devon on his previous stream:
"Schroedingers nigger" 😄

If you get called a NAZI, take it as compliment ;)

this account is glowing more than the sun at noon

social networks are filled with them. most people have no idea how insanely manipulated all content we consume online actually is.

Justicar boosted

Russian Orthodox Christian Aleksandr Dugin - "The Kabbalah tradition Is The Greatest Achievement of the Human Spirit"

How I wish there was an actual group that opposed Israel, but sadly the US, the UK and Russia took care of the last of their kind in WW2.
Now all we have is Abrahamic psyops, Christians, Muslims and Jews, all working in tandem to fulfill their Torah prophecies and enslave mankind.

heh, i am speedwatching and it is the first time i see jblow waste time by using editor instead of proper ide to refactor code. can't imagine having to manually rename functions or change arguments. but i guess old habits die hard, if at all.

If female rights and equality with men is the destiny of all rich societies and if it leads to collapse of such society, then it is merely a circle of life. Yin and Yang. So why are we, men, freaking out about it? Society is degrading with or without us. We have natural urges to procreate but if we control them, we can live very good lives on our own. No man in history had such luxuries as we have today. Take advantage of them. Live! And enjoy yourselves.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.