I can mathematically demonstrate why the Western world is fucked.
Let’s take the simplest of all equations: a + b = c
The value the Western world adheres to is equality. According to this, it is paramount that a = b = c
However it is only possible if a = 0, b = 0 and c = 0
So equality can only exist in 0. In nothingness.
And this is where we are going.

@Lorgar fuck man please take this post off, you suck at mathematical proofs, fist you start off with a random equation for no reason and claim that it proves something related to western society bc it can only be true if all numbers are 0.

Fucking nonsense is what you wrote.


@37712 Maybe you're right. I was doing chores and it just struck me so I had to write it down.
Can you give a demonstration that would counter mine? It's ok if it is aloof as well.

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