Every day my life be like:

"Haha you thought the government wouldn't ignore stagflation and double down, causing the entire financial system to collapse while driving all the commodities producers in the world into the arms of BRICS.

You said the government wouldn't keep rates above 5% because it would cause the interest payments on the debt to force debt monetization and hyperinflation.

But the government did all of those things and the world hasn't presently ended. What do you have to say?"


@Tfmonkey Imagine two copies of you, one is smart and acts like you while the other is a retard normie.
You took a lot of blows but right now the normie would be:
- Married
- Divorced
- Living in his car while his ex-wife fucks Chad and Tyrone in the house he paid for
- Jabbed with potentially terrible side-effects
- Trapped in a 9 to 5 life of slavery with no possible way out

You still have cards to play and the game is not over yet!


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