Most Muslims I talked to who were going out of their way to publicly proselytize Islam and who were male
Seem to claim that you can not trust the Bible since you know it changed because each English translation has a different text
They do not understand that the question would be if the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic original texts changed
They insist on only the Quran in Arabic counting
But most Muslims throughout the world can not read Arabic
@Umlaut @LysanderMooner @shortstories @koropokkur They do believe Christ will return and kill the antichrist and his followers and btfo Satan, so that's a step above talmudists. Still wrong for everything else involved. They can't accept The Trinity in even a Modalism sort of way yet still think Christ was special enough to do what He did via earthly ministry, ascend into heaven, and eventually return. It's very odd to me and makes me think it's absolutely influenced by Satan.
@BowsacNoodle according to them Jesus was a Muslim and prophet of allah