I'm seeing this everywhere now, so I guess this is the new controlled opposition narrative: "Israel is bad, but only because the people in charge aren't real Jews! They're Khazarian/Frankists/Satanists!
They're not following the Torah, but disrespecting it"

This is obviously a cope and I'm sure it will play very well among Christian groups, especially since the people spewing these stories, also deny dinosaurs existed, like Candace Owens:



@LysanderMooner This "everything is fake, except the bible" psyop works too well. I'm starting to think Americans are bigger retards than Europeans.

Whenever the topic is Judaism/Israel, someone derails it with talks of Satanism, Creationism, Jesus and aliens/interdimensional beings. It's all the controlled opposition talks about.
From Tucker Carlson to Nick Fuentes, Candace Owens, Alex Jones, etc.

And it's working.

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