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I want 2015-16 facebook back that platform is fully castrated of utility

In the end, the parasite kills its host and, thereby, itself.

@Humpleupagus I remember smoking sections in restaurants as a kid, they still got em in WY?


Ashkenazi Jews = Sodom in the new testament when it does not refer to the destroyed city & it's population

Ashkenazi Jews = Mystery Babylon in the new testament

Ashkenazi Jews = Synagogue of Satan in the new testament

Ashkenazi Jews = Gog & Magog

Any sort of ID or money required by the Ashkenazi Jewish world government to engage in trade = The Mark of the Beast

The biological true Hebrew Israelites are Syrian Palestinians

& the real religious Jews are Christians

All the ills of modern society can be attributed to giving women rights.

I can't stand this bitch. Her whole schtick is "oh look at me, I look White but I'm really Mexican" and it turns out her dad is fully White and her mom looks half White with red hair too.

@shortstories in a way its adaptively superior in the short run because the welfarist expends less calories to reproduce at the expense of their competitiond reproductive potential

@shortstories @Humpleupagus I didn't allege inferiority, I alleged adaptation. Different environments require different adaptions

@shortstories dolls have no biological sex😜
Diversity extends far beyond the African American race, Venezuelans, Africans...
American blacks are gay because theyre raised by single mothers in decadence

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.