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It's hard to even find a pure blood(unvaxxed) slit these days, murica dead

I flew into Chicago O'Hare at one am and it was filled with criminal aliens sleeping behind a makeshift wall posted do not touch or look

Then I flew into Africa required visa on arrival and paid a bribe for being American with border patrol signs everywhere

Then my flight out of Turkey to Chicago was filled with criminal aliens carrying Louis Vuitton and UN IOM "International office of migration" bags

They're seeding a foreign army in the US for use against the domestic population

The only thing an expert is able to do is sound better at being wrong.

"Prepare by getting fit"

I say prepare for the starving times with obesity before were all forced to fast

Canadian sovereignty is a delusion.

We should bring them democracy and liberate them

Can we just get a hitler AI that generates inspiring speeches for a modern context

Do all the boomers deserve to be smothered with a pillow?
Most do

I've never tried pre workout but Alex Jones sells one🧐

@LysanderMooner why would you even say that, you should intead be saying I wish men had never been dumb enough to think that women are equal to men and that they should be given rights

Muslims in Dearborn chanting death to America should fuck Off and die

I dont want to interact with or even hear ppl

If loneliness kills, solitude saves.

One of the problems is not just that they created a fake vaccine but that if they replace all regular vaccines with mRNA vaccines then there are no real vaccines

If you are a new parent then it will actually be impossible to get your child vaccinated with a real vaccine if they do this

Children will start dying of diseases that the rest of the population used to be immune to

Either the mRNA vaccines will be fake placebos that do nothing or will kill or hurt children instead of protecting them

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.