@MrpoopyButhole I make a really good point in this interview. Like & subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rJJfvLJL2cs
No one has a right to exist who chooses to practice the so called Jewish religion because a tenet of the so called Jewish religion is to execute or enslave everyone who they classify as non-Jewish
This is genocide because they put difficult barriers to conversion but consider someone as automatically qualifying if they classify the person's mother as Jewish as long as they are not a Christian
You can be a atheist or polytheist & still be classified Jewish by Jews
@shortstories @MrpoopyButhole A lot of Jews seem like nice people to me. I've nothing against them, personally. Certainly they have disproportionate influence in high places. But it's the relative weakness of Gentiles that enables our own exploitation.
@shortstories @SamHarris who gives a shit let them pray to Satan and suck lil boy dicks. If they fuck with you just leave.
@shortstories @SamHarris nobody has any rights ya silly goose. We just make that shit up so white people don't kill everyone.
@MrpoopyButhole @SamHarris
Do I have a right to even one country somewhere in the world that I can leave to where they will leave me alone?