It's not petty. These men have undergone experiences worthy of respect.

Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Kim Dotcom - all these men have suffered actual harm. If you haven't gone through at least a subset of what one of these great men have gone through then STFU. I can personally relate.

All Sam Harris has suffered is a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Fuck Sam Harris, he's an irredeemable whiny bitch.

@UncleIroh he’s using that as a reason to not reinstate Alex Jones. You don’t try to use personal trauma as some means of justifying your inconsistent actions. Alex jones didn’t try to profit from Sandy hook anymore than your average politician. So why’re the rules applied differently to him? That’s nonsensical feminine behaviour. Miss me with that bs.

I don't think we're diagreeing. Alex Jones should be back on and I think he will. Alex's own take on it is the best, which is bascially "give it time."

I'm not down with doomers who can't take a win and insist that everything is bullshit if Alex Jones isn't back on right now this second. Fuck that noise.

My point is that Elon's reaction is far from petty. None of this shit is easy.

And Sam Harris is still an irrelevant whiny cunt.

Just thought of another reason.

Denying Alex Jones to be "unbanned" serves as a useful tactic that allows Elon to effectively unban as many other people as he wants. Alex is like his biggest pawn; Elon can signal some virtue and get away with freeing everyone without having the Cathedral unleash all their dogs on him.

A short time later Elon can claim "actually my conscious cannot let this injustice stand", by which time it's too late.

A simple and effective tactic.

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