
@Tfmonkey kind of sucks how people this edgy can now be on twitter yet you're still banned. i mean its not like you're some huge influencer, what're they so scared of?

@Pain66 I assume what I have to say is more dangerous than racism and antisemitism.

@Tfmonkey dangerous because its true i assume. normies might deny it to infinity but they probably cant think of any counter arguments to contradict or disprove what you're saying. its a pretty good litmus test for the validity of your views i'd say.

@Tfmonkey @Pain66 Well the real fundation of our current society is gynocentrism and feminism. Just see who does most of the resource consumption ("consumer spending") and it is easy to realize. Also as said previously in this conversation, a lot of the consumption done even by the other demographics is to please the ones that consumes the most.

@CleverMoniker @Pain66 @Tfmonkey
Yep. Like Dave chappelle joke about men would have sex with women in a cardboard box if he could. But has to buy a flashy car like a woman trap.

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey

I think it’s because indeed the emperor does not wear any clothes

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