
The strong will do what they will and the weak will suffer what they must.

@Pain66 So which way does the causal relationship go? Are bullies popular because what they do or are popular kids bullies because they are popular? The studies sound to assume the former.

@apopheniac @Pain66 I would argue usually the bullies in middle school/ high school are the chads or the popular kids that everyone likes, some peak in school and go downhill from there, while others may maintain their looks and charisma. Typically the kids that get picked on are more introverted, less attractive, shy and mostly loners with maybe one or two friends but not a large amount of friends. Usually people that don’t conform, act different or stand out get bullied.

@I_AmTheKnight @apopheniac @Pain66

No you dumb dumb, that is not how it goes.

The strong do what they can while the weak suffer what they must

Fix this shit

@AKEmon869 @37712 @apopheniac @Pain66 exactly you can be strong but not be a bully, but yeah I agree people will attack you if they know you won’t do anything about it, which invites bullying. Reagan said “Weakness invites aggression.”

@apopheniac @Pain66 just dont be fucking weak, simple as that. Women dont want or respect weak men.

@Pain66 Most bullies are weak when they fight 1 vs 1. Most bullies lack fighting skills & physical strength, so they gang up & resort to weapons. If all else fails? They resort to verbal bullying.
If you're a truly strong man, you won't resort to sadism to exercise your power. Only weak/insecure who're not content inside, resort to sadism for the kicks. Which's pathetic imo

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