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Twitter bombshell just dropped. Thread is incredibly fucking long. So I’m just going to drop the link here for anyone interested to have a look. @Tfmonkey tl;dr government specifically the DNC was pressuring twitter to ban people & control narrative. I know that was very shocking. Nobody could’ve possibly seen it coming. But it’s honestly good all the evidence & receipts are out in the open. No that it’ll change anything. But at least we know we’re not crazy.

The Ames Window: Seriously the most mind-boggling optical illusion I've ever seen. Even after you understand it, your brain's perception of it is permanently altered - you literally can't see reality.

@Tfmonkey great video that talks about how boomers ruined everything. has a leftist bent but the information is good overall.

Agreed they should stop being such pussies & take your rights away. @Tfmonkey

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