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Been seeing a lot of anti-car rhetoric going around lately. Is this part of the whole 15 minute city thing? I do love how normies can only ever consider their immediate benefit. All of it relies on a benevolent government taking care of them. I mean surely they’ll never be corrupt like ever guys. I get no one likes morning traffic and wasting hours of ur life commuting (and commies are lazy so they don’t like anything effort or work related). But everything has trade offs and consequences.

The government should have been overthrown 100 years ago, but they were cunning and created the Welfare State to buy the people off and make them dependent on them.

When the Welfare State goes bankrupt, we'll return back to that long overdue overthrowing.

Daily reminder the right is no different than the left. They all want productive single men’s money for their benefit.

Accidentally predicted the future. Men having standards= rape.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.