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Apparently a response to rollo tomassi. The length (literally) women are going to keep men on the plantation is both hilarious and concerning. Sometimes I wish one of these girl bosses would actually sit down and talk with TFM. Lol one convo is all it’ll take to debunk all their nonsense. But we all know exactly why that’ll never happen. @Tfmonkey

When Mr. science man haven’t read an economics book. Oh Hank if only you knew how bad things really were.

You can tell their entire world is falling a part. Oh well no sympathy here. Cope and Seethe Children.

It never ceases to amaze me how little attention Normies pay towards anything. They construct a simple narrative that makes sense if you only listen to what the TV tells you. My Only issue it these morons vote. I also love how no one now seems to remember the Saudi princes that owned twitter before musk bought it. Ofc they don’t pay attention anything aside from what’s the tv tells them. I don’t care to defend musk on anything. But the sheer smug ignorance of normies is mind numbing. @Tfmonkey

The right is pushing to remove anonymity on the internet, literally advocating on behalf of what the left wants. The reason? Hurt feelings. ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC.

Not bad I guess? But why is this still happening? Looks like there’s still plenty more people that need to be fired or the algo needs to be changed severely. @Tfmonkey

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