
It never ceases to amaze me how little attention Normies pay towards anything. They construct a simple narrative that makes sense if you only listen to what the TV tells you. My Only issue it these morons vote. I also love how no one now seems to remember the Saudi princes that owned twitter before musk bought it. Ofc they don’t pay attention anything aside from what’s the tv tells them. I don’t care to defend musk on anything. But the sheer smug ignorance of normies is mind numbing. @Tfmonkey

@Pain66 they don't know what they don't know. They know what they're told and they seek the path of least resistance from there.

Thinking for themselves and being independent is a threat to their inclusion within the herd. They survive by conforming and being accepted.

@Tfmonkey one things I’ve notice is everyone’s very knowledgeable in their field. But once they start going out of it they have dumbest takes imaginable. That level of critical thought they used for their job goes out the window. Idk why they feel the need to trust the tv and conform so much. I mean this guy isn’t poor or weak. He’s very wealthy tech YouTuber. I think it’s a consequence of living a upper middle class bubble.

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey Emotional,group think and fear of being outside that narrative,over rides the critical thought pattern for the Normie brain.

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey Do they really think Elon bought Twitter to make money? That shows how retarded they are. Jeff Bezos did not buy the Washington Post with making money off it in mind either.

Twitter is a propaganda tool, not a moneymaking venture.

@houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey you underestimate the bubble most people live in. It’s mind blowing. They literally only understand what mainstream news tells thems. That’s it. If any story requires them to do an inclining of research, you bet they have no idea it happened. These people got no clue twitter refused to ban child porn and pedos from their platform. Most people aren’t proactive in their beliefs they’re reactive & they’re confident in sharing them without a 2nd thought.

@houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey “Do they really think Elon bought twitter to make money?” - it’s even worse they’re such mentally underdeveloped children they think he bought it cause his ego got bruised from mean tweets. They’re dangerously high on copium.

@Pain66 @houseoftolstoy He bought Twitter in order to sell Tesla shares while they were still overpriced without causing a panic.

Generally when the CEO is dumping shares, it causes normal investors to dump shares too, so Elon needed an excuse to sell Tesla shares without appearing to dump shares, like say . . . buying a random company for tens of billions of dollars.

@Tfmonkey @Pain66 @houseoftolstoy That’s my theory on the gates divorce, they got to liquidate at the top, too.

@Tfmonkey @Pain66 If that is the case, I can amend my statement to be that his purchase of Twitter was not to make money from Twitter itself, as Twitter never has really been profitable.

@houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey @Pain66
You're right, Twitter was never about profit. Twitter is not a business, it's a weapon.

Elon knows this of course. I'm just waiting to see how The Cathedral's political and intelligence arms respond.

Between Elon taking away their favorite toy and Ye redpilling the world on the JQ, elites are losing their shit.

What a time!

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