hey @Tfmonkey , you gaslighting NSA agent glowie you!, do you have a single clip of you talking to a white nationalist where they expressed concern about welfare, or are you completely pulling that out of your ass? I haven't seen a single post about such nonsense in all the time ive spent talking to other WN's or reading articles written by WN's like Jared Taylor.

@PordanJeterson sure I do, it was back when Cat and DDJ were on the show and we would take call in guests.

Also where is my manifesto? I was promised a manifesto and my festo is unmanned.


@Tfmonkey IDK Man, i forget saying anything about a manifest, i am a drunk, afterall. I've decided the best course of action is to just drink myself to oblivion before they come for me. It is depressing watching my hard won verbal intellect melt before my eyes.

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