@Tfmonkey as far as the negro stench comment goes, yes, diet does affect your BO, but so does your skins microbiome, your metabolism, and any weird issues with it, and of course, GENES.....Genetics definitely play a role in different groups of people having unique and identifiable stenches, and perhaps we just smell it cause it is different than the BO of people we are used to being around. Many athletes have commented that there is a distinct NIG FUNK after blacks leave the locker room.

@Tfmonkey your genes, and skin type, and even the color of your skin will also affect what kind of microbes your skin favors and which microbes your skin is averse to. Pheromones and HLA would also be genetically influenced.


@Tfmonkey its not that TFM is completely wrong in laughing at stubborn biological determinists, but he is being just as bad as them, from the other side.... Nature and Nurture shape our development, to only focus on one at the expense of the other is stupid, regardless if you are saying genes don't matter at all, or that genetics are everything....both are wrong....like most things, it is a delicate, complex, yet elegant and nuanced balance between systems.

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