
This last week on the Morning Constitutional, it was incredibly tense between TFM and Halsey, something almost seems suspicious about it. He was coercing TFM HARD. Basically was blatantly lying saying that things didn't happen which there was clear evidence for, or trying to change everything to deceptively innocent language.

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According to Fake Nukes Phil most or all of both the Palestinian and Jewish casualties in Israel on the news alleged to have happened during the so called war are probably both fake if I understand him correctly

@shortstories Halsey: "But that's not even true! The Technical definition of casualties is when RECOGNIZED nations are attacked and people die! Thus, there were no casualties!"


Then it would not be the number of casualties but the number of murders

Which would make it sound worse if they posted the number of murders

@shortstories he would just argue that they aren't technically human then.

@PordanJeterson The dynamic between TFM & Halsey is interesting. Halsey has contradictory views to TFM, is Jewish (so he could easily be a Fed). I think TFM is jealous that Halsey has a family and TFM doesn’t. Although Halsey’s family situation is lots of kids, but having to heavily rely on community to support them. I don’t agree with Halsey’s decision to have so many kids especially in our current economic system.

I don’t see how Halsey and TFM support each other, they just seem to argue.

@PordanJeterson that's what jews do. they infiltrate and manipulate things from within. they are like vampires, once you invite them in, it's over.

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