@Tfmonkey this is the AI fueled conversation between two philosophers. You mentioned on the Saturday Show.
Holy shit Root Canals are toxic as FUCCKKK!
@MrpoopyButhole this is george costanza from seinfeld, AKA Jason Alexander AKA Jay Scott Greenspan.......he is one of them, a khazarian.
I wish more racists were sexist, and vice versa...its the answer.....in order to run this shit correctly, you must be RACIST AND SEXIST, you must say ALL OF THE GAMER WORDS. The way to save your race is to ensure a self sustaining, growing, populace through patriarchy and TWRA. The white nationalists need to wake up and see that women are fucking horrible pieces of shit that want to destroy everything sacred, if only to shit test you and see if you would actually let them.
Just a lonely day trader.