Fucked a Transey, coulda been his Nansie! Ritard coodent cut it! (Kicked out of School)


His Ashkenazi Genes!




Buggah, buggah, buggah!

nugger, Nugger, NUgger, NUGger, NUGGer, NUGGEr, NUGGER

Black Cock Jeterson! Coulda Been a Leader men, now he's shooting cedarmen! What a tool! These Pushkenazi Fiends! Don't Buy this Infrellinence it seems! Gum like a wrigly's spearmint queen! Now he's wok-ing, fry it till it beams! Cordon Bleurerman! Shoulda been a fireman!

Puppy Boothole!

@Chirin_the_Ram Fuck, God Damn. Will they ever shut up about black dicks?
Christ guys.

@PordanJeterson everybody in the matrix server thinks I'm you cause i made my handle "NicktheDigger". Hope life is treating you well bubs. Don't kill yourself.

Redonkulas Popp Feels confident Kamala Harris will win.

Asking for help was much too hard! Now he's eating glue like a reeee-Tard! Banned from the market minute! Bought Crypto to infinite! (what a jew)

Poor-Dan Jeter-San! Coulda been a better man! Fucked a tranny! Could of been his Nanny! Ri'tard couldn't cut it! (Kicked out of School) His Ashkenazi Genes, Dough-Nide his intelligence it seems! Dumb'like a Rock-a-Downy Queen, now he'Sahking cook it till it creams! @MrpoopyButhole @MrPoopyButthole

@shortstories idk, im 30 and have a crap load of hair, and am fairly andro myself. Its not exactly testosterone that causes the syndrome, but Dihydrotestosterone, a metabolic byproduct. im not sure if it was that one or a different metabolite/analog.


Idk, i think I kinda agree with Destiny here, He is kinda technically right about Trump being an insurrectionist, by Merriam-Webster's standards at least.

@RoninGrey TFM is a current NSA contractor, if you can't see it at this point, you are blind.

@MrpoopyButhole So look at yourself! Hang up your hat! Don't erase yourself! Don't do that! Be a better man! (Love you buddy.)

@MrpoopyButhole Poor Dan Jeter San! What a waste of life! Could of had a wife! (Only in his dreams!)

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