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Much like the Chinese do with Tesla's Electric Vehicles.....The Shitlords of the Western internet should be studying the Zionists tactics and reverse engineering them....take their own technology that took years for them to develop and implement it yourself....specifically their cultural/social engineering programs. Take whatever you can, these have been the most powerful people with the most resources and time to afford R&D....

Didn't i read in Macro that during an election year, the major market indexes almost always go up, or are in a bull market? So wouldn't an index fund be a better bet than sitting in cash? I don't think they will let a major crash happen until they get their guy elected.

If you go on the Google Play store, and dL the AA Meeting Guide App, and the "Everything AA" app you will have a searchable list of all in person and virtual Zoom AA meetings. Click on the ones with a video camera icon next to the distance. These are virtual zoom AA meetings. While it may seem unethical to troll these people, i just want to let you all know, that they are using it as a platform to spread feminism, and globohomo, and berate men for bitching about loneliness. Take no prisoners!

@Tfmonkey I wish you would start saying "Pop, Smoke, and Ghost." again.....i miss it.

Damn, I wonder what those Spiral Shark Eggs taste like fried sunny side up....also, why do those insect eggs look like Indian royal pottery and baskets?

It is very disheartening to see what people are like in so called "Free Thinkers" groups........At least the ones i see out in the wild... They are definitely the LEAST free thinkers guys...confirmed.....i

Men are Pigs!
The men you are attracted to are pigs because they can afford to be, and because all men but these are invisible to you, indeed all men in YOUR world, in YOUR sphere of influence, are pigs....

@Tfmonkey this is the AI fueled conversation between two philosophers. You mentioned on the Saturday Show.

so did TFM get out of his commodities position yet? this UNG price action is complete bullshit, i can't take this much longer...we need to get into something else, following this bullshit is making me not want to pursue trading at all.

I personally have blonde-brown hair, blue eyes, and fair skin that never burns.

@MrpoopyButhole this is george costanza from seinfeld, AKA Jason Alexander AKA Jay Scott Greenspan.......he is one of them, a khazarian.

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I wish more racists were sexist, and vice versa...its the order to run this shit correctly, you must be RACIST AND SEXIST, you must say ALL OF THE GAMER WORDS. The way to save your race is to ensure a self sustaining, growing, populace through patriarchy and TWRA. The white nationalists need to wake up and see that women are fucking horrible pieces of shit that want to destroy everything sacred, if only to shit test you and see if you would actually let them.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.