>NEW: Russian milbloggers claimed that Ukrainian forces continue to advance in Kursk Oblast amid Russian attempts to stabilize the frontline in the area.

How long can they keep this up for? This is wild.

@Bad_Banner I suspect they can't and this report is as fake and gay as everything else the UA releases.

@Bad_Banner I honestly didn't read it. The current state of UA is so attrited, that they've even lasted a week is impressive. They have no mobile AA systems, so RU is demolishing them from above. This last gasp push will do nothing to advance Ukraine's goals other than the PR of having something trending on twitter for a few days.

@RegalBeagle @Bad_Banner ISW has been publishing maps for 3 years now. since the siege of azovstal they have been inaccurate and biased to nato.

they are suing OSINT for the publishing of these maps. OSINT is full of disinfomation. what passes for osint is a uke standing in front of a fake road sign; "omg geolocated ukes took stalingrad"
@Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @RegalBeagle "Something something revenge for Donbass shelling" = Russia is winning
"Slavs killing other Slavs" = Russia is losing

@Spingebill @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS Ignore the shills, but Russia can't lose. No nuclear nation 'loses' a war. If Russia 'loses', their nukes fly, then eveyone's nukes fly and it end in a tie. This is the stated nuclear doctrine of both US and Russia.

@RegalBeagle @Spingebill @IAMAL_PHARIUS That's been lingering in the back of my mind too; if Russia collapses, what happens to the nukes? None of these analysts (especially that one guy Peter Zeihan) brought that into consideration.

If I recall, he talked about how China and Russia would just "balkanize" into separate regions. Just looking at the Balkans alone, that was catastrophic (even for NATO's image), imagine that but with nukes floating around.

@Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Spingebill A nuclear state backed into existential crisis WILL use everything at their disposal to maintain power. I don't think we'll see controlled demolition of the RF like what happened with the USSR as the cultural and political zeitgeists are completely different. The Cuban missile crisis analogy also explains the theological differences. US used to be a Christian nation, while USSR where atheists, but now the opposite is true for both countries.

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