Are the elite aware that their Malthusian agenda will negatively impact their own way of life after it's fully implemented? There is a required number of people to maintain our level of civilization and it's far higher than 500M. The 'civilization' they are trying to rule over is not the civilization they actually want to rule over.


I can't be the only one who would absolutely love to see the bullshit models they worship of how they think this is going to work.

It's all coming apart for them: Malthus' original predictions have been dis-proven, Neo-Darwinsim is under serious challenge, and elite Fabian Socialism is failing all over the West.

Their vision is basically religious. But religious in the wild-eyed French revolutionary Enlightenment cult sense.

Beware of the French, they fuck everything up.


@UncleIroh If they were open sourced, they'd probably be more accurate, but it would give the game away.

It's got all all the religious trappings. Al Gore and Co as the priests, CO2 as the devil, and global warming for the apocalypse prophesy.

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