There is a horribly biased book all about blaming Nazis called Virtual Government by Alex Constantine

On page 115 of the version I am looking at it claims Arthur Jensen said blacks are

"inbred" or "in-breeding"

Can anyone provide a web link to a quote by him saying blacks are "inbred" or "in-breeding"

The book claims he claimed that this results in them being "likely to remain lower in intelligence"

It also claims Dr Chase said that welfare was one of Arthur Jensen's main points


@shortstories It's common knowledge about the inbreeding in section 8 housing in the US. Every single mom's niglets are from the same drug dealer and their kids end up fucking each other. It's worse than Alabama ever was.

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@RegalBeagle @shortstories

This seems to be normal in impoverished small or isolated communities anyway. One guy gets busy while every other man is drunk or working.
Recently discovered this phenomenon mentioned on a Blackpilled stream...
@Squadalah_Man @RegalBeagle @shortstories it’s very true. ive seen so many personal accounts of niggers finding out they were fucking their cousins. shit, they even openly admit how they don’t care sometimes.
beaners as well. Have to treat the whole family for STDs.
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