
We're quibbling on the definition of respect. A master of the craft should still respect his apprentice. The apprentice frees the master from the tedium of simple tasks to accomplish greater works, but that is no reason to look down on his apprentice. Both have their functions to perform while increasing their knowledge of the craft: the apprentice to learn from the master's example and the master to set the example and increase the overall body of knowledge by pushing his craft's limits.

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"Tenets of Confucianism"

"Relationships all fall within a hierarchy that must be observed to preserve harmony, and every person must understand their role in this hierarchy."

i need mo money fo dem programz :wojak_depressed:

@shortstories I'm working through the Greeks now, but Eastern philosophers are up next.

I like how Confucianism calls out troons: "If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success." -The Analects, 13.3

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