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@max_Y_mum I'll give them 48 hours before I call them cucks.

@nomebullyyou "There are no chicks with dicks; only dudes with tits." -Theodore Roosevelt, probably.

@dictatordave @lord_nougat it's a positronic configuration, i'm positive it will toast your electronics no matter how you wire it up

@lord_nougat @JoshuaSlocum You'd need to use the Clear-Disk cmdlet, because windows loves making us type as many characters as possible. It's designed to make us as inefficient as it is.

These faggots will shill for any industry led narratives if the media tells them to.

I was perfectly happy just being racist. Give me my damn beef tallow McDonalds fries back you commie faggot

@professionalbigot69 I'm running LineageOS and it's only using 1.4GB(OS and System combined). I recommend it to everyone if your device can support it and you don't want to run your carrier ROM anymore.

Tags: historical_perspective, quote, politics
Source: The booru is down for now
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@pepsi_man @Rasterman Might depend on where you are. In Sao Paulo, the nice areas are mostly light skinned and asian. Didn't explore the favelas as I was told they will rob whites/asians pretty much on sight. Can't speak to the rest of the country.

@Hoss If Obama loves women so much, why didn't he marry one?
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