@dictatordave @ins0mniak Not enough, I'm sure.
@shinichihaku lEaRn tO cOdE!!1
@nugger @professionalbigot69 You can also make a bitchin' van to live in. It's not complete until you've got an awesome wizard painted on it, though:
@monsterislandcolonizer It's illegal to post about a banger and not link it. I'm gonna have to call the internet police.
@ButtWorldsMan Maybe he'll hit the gym and stop being a bitch. I'm not holding my breath, though.
@Diogenese_Shiplap I wonder what the power density of a large flywheel is versus a lithium ion battery of equivalent weight? The maintenance is certainly cheaper. While I think a large runaway flywheel is more dangerous than a battery fire, the ease of maintenance versus a battery array should offset the risk.
@stoner713 @Diogenese_Shiplap Some railway museums still use such systems to maintain their engines. Much of the equipment to maintain steam locomotives was never updated to electrical drive as diesels and diesel/electrics let steamers behind.
@Diogenese_Shiplap Flywheel 'batteries' are still used in specific black start applications when reconnecting power plants to the grid. A flywheel can dump all of its energy in a very short time allowing them to act as giant capacitors handling the massive current spikes that come from a power plant having to suddenly start every motor currently connected to the downed grid.
Bearing technology has come a long way. Maybe it's due for a resurgence?
@caekislove Don't forget we also voted for war with Iran and China. To protect our democracy and the rules based order.
@Diogenese_Shiplap You reminded me of a fascinating flywheel powered trolley I saw in a museum somewhere: It was electrically powered, but had no batteries even though it traveled away from power lines. The trolley had a giant flywheel that the motor would spin whenever it was connect to power at stops and the trolley would then tap the flywheel to propel itself.
Looking for it on Google shows that a few other vehicles also use this idea of mechanical energy storage.
@PeterPower Someone's watched too many Marvel movies.
@dj I suspect they're hand in hand. We have to provide justification on why we CAN'T use COTS. For a React app. I'm not going through some drone's stupid waiver process for all 60 some odd of our dependencies.
I'm being hyperbolic and actually will because they pay me to, but I'm sure as shit not gonna do it quickly.
If I drag out stupid government processes, am I part of the solution or the problem?
@professionalbigot69 Sounds like a contract mod is in order.
@queenofnewyork @elsantonegro Another day, another dollar. We still going at it?
@shortstories I've been playing less and less games as time goes on. I used to love RPGs, but as I've gotten older and my life's gotten better, I don't have as great a desire to escape from reality anymore. I'm sure mainstream gaming turning into dogshit also has had an effect.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.