@rms 'Price gouging prevention' is newspeak for price controls. Price controls are terrible economic policy and lead to shortages wherever they are applied.
@Diogenese_Shiplap I'm loving your train picture. I personally think steampunk is over-rated and diesel-punk is underappreciated.
@catmanmancat @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @MeBigbrain @veff Today I learned. The internet is good for things besides porn after all.
@Bad_Banner Jesus, we really will call anything a woman these days.
@catmanmancat @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @MeBigbrain @veff Putting sugar in someone's gas tank is a great way to fuck up their engine.
@dictatordave Normalcy bias is a hell of a drug.
@UncleIroh I take offense, Sir, I am clearly a dog.
@PNS That's a big chungus.
@Bad_Banner Broberon is my favorite Warframe. Now I want to play Warframe.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.