@ILoveAmericaNews Why should it be saved? Women's sports has only been a thing since title IX started in 1972. Before that, there was only one varsity standard; the male standard.
I'm tired of pretending that the sexes are equal and I'm happy to support troons making a mockery of this 'equality' for as long as it takes men to realize how great a failure egalitarianism is and re-assert patriarchy.
@DemocracyMattersALot Less than Hunter Biden, apparently.
@freepatriot Great, now do foreign aid.
@binkle *Autistic screeching in Javascript*
@DNutzinski @relentless_eduardo If they infiltrate Fedora, I'm going to have a bit of work to do, too.
@GoodComradeLolaDaviet Calling someone a faggot is an argument. Arguing with fags accomplishes nothing, therefor pointing out the opposing party's faggotry and publicly shaming them for it saves everyone's time.
@deprecated_ii We're not related, I swear.
So Debian is shit now. Thanks to @relentless_eduardo for the link.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.