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It's fascinating that there's four separate auth services to log into the VA's website and yet not a single one of them actually works.

@WandererUber Probably will do more work than an actual web developer, too.

@dictatordave @DemocracyMattersALot My ammo pile is as tall as I am but your average beagle is only ~13" so there's that.

New law
All international disputes shall be decided by a best of 7 game series of Dig-Dug

@dwarvenallfather I have more faith in troons restoring men's rights than MRAs. Troons have at least accomplished something. A troon can beat a woman's ass, not catch a DV charge, and win a gold medal for it. What have the MRAs done ever?

@DemocracyMattersALot Meanwhile for everyone else who doesn't own their own NGO and isn't financed with money printed straight from the Fed:

@ILoveAmericaNews Why should it be saved? Women's sports has only been a thing since title IX started in 1972. Before that, there was only one varsity standard; the male standard.

I'm tired of pretending that the sexes are equal and I'm happy to support troons making a mockery of this 'equality' for as long as it takes men to realize how great a failure egalitarianism is and re-assert patriarchy.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.