@EvolLove @dictatordave There is a 'radicalization' going on with kids in schools. I've heard from multiple teachers that Hitler memes are popping up in classrooms. I suspect it's from white kids seeing the media designation of Trump as Hitler. When they start looking into this Hitler fellow and get pooh poohed by their elders, which only encourages them. Young people naturally want to rebel against authority and push limits. At least I did when I was that age.
@burner @professionalbigot69 They can't have dicks, either.
@professionalbigot69 @burner Fat chicks are disgusting; hard pass.
@elftummy Greatest crossover ever?
ABC 'mistakenly' airs election results sparking wild conspiracy theories
The results appeared on the ticker along the bottom of the screen during a broadcast of a race by ABC local affiliate WNEP-TV on Sunday.
It showed Kamala Harris taking the state with 52% of the votes, while Donald Trump's share was 47%
WNEP-TV said that the numbers came up on the screen in 'error' and that they had been 'randomly generated' as part of a test ahead of election night on November 5.
@LoriQuaid As the empire collapses due to its own incompetence, the fix will become more and more obvious. Only this question remains: what we will do about it?
@PanzerTan @PafuPafuVt Sneeds are out. Thneeds are in. Get 'em while they're hot, or whatever temperature they're supposed to be.
@UncleIroh @leespringfield1903 My biggest concern is that I'm going to get rusty. Everything is broken so often I'm on here more than my work VM. I made this account because I had so much freetime. I hate the company I work for and have no motivation to fix their issues. I know if they could replace me with a jeet, they would, so I don't feel bad about getting paid for nothing. Of all the jobs I've had, this one pays the most vs the amount of work I actually do. It isn't much.
@dwarvenallfather I bet that nigger would fuck the basement hag.
@leespringfield1903 My only hesitation on nuking India is that I'm not sure the rest of the world can handle that amount of vaporized shit all at once. I think we need a more incremental approach to not suffocate actual intelligent life on earth.
@nice-nigger @professionalbigot69 After I'm installed as dictator for life, I'll save @nice-nigger from total nigger death and put him on display so our progeny can see what we had to deal with during the tribulations.
@professionalbigot69 I'm a dog, so a lot of humor is lost on me. God rules men, men rule women, women rule children. This is the order of things.
@professionalbigot69 Why make it complicated? Women shouldn't vote at all. KISS principle.
@Scot_Paladin Thank you for all your support. I will be a benevolent dictator. To whites. Shitskins can get fucked.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.