@Justicar You did call it. I don't work at that level, but rebuilding an alternate kernel from the ground up sounds herculean to me. Conversely, how long have competent devs been shackled by the Linux Foundation's west coast ideology? This could be the unshackling needed to finally move the kernel in a better direction.
@Bad_Banner Hope they take a Boeing.
@superdave2313 What a waste of hospital resources.
@nomebullyyou A good pun always puts a smile on my face.
@WTFPurpleAlpaca I can't believe I'm defending a nigger, but at least with street pills there's a chance you get high before you die. VAIDs just gets you sick and you die.
@nomebullyyou It's even better than I imagined
I'm not seeing anyone talking about this. Am I the only one who thinks this is a big deal? Maybe I need to touch grass. Or smoke it. Or both.
@Titanbreakerkun Who keeps making up all these fake months? Is it kikes? It's always fucking kikes.
@Justicar If you count the processed garbage at the super market as food, maybe, but real food has risen at a similar rate. Normies just look to sustain and be entertained, so they don't particularly care.
@Justicar Things that don't matter are cheaper than ever. Microprocessors went from costing hundreds of dollars to being so cheap we put them in disposable e-cigs. Meanwhile, food, energy, and housing costs have ballooned. Turns out the masses just want cheap entertainment and the bare minimum to physically survive.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.