On thing that almost nobody on the political spectrum talks about is just how much of our Gee Dee Pee consists of Americans getting ripped off for various services.

Healthcare is exhibit A for this scam

@DW2 He sounds like a typical Leftist who doesn't know how anything with cause and effect works.

It's not just "making up prices." When these insurance companies like Medicare are FORCED to cover the fat, weak, AIDS-riddled, smoking alcoholics with additional pre-existing conditions, they HAVE to raise rates to keep up with how much they're shelling out for THAT health coverage. Free healthcare won't look like what we have now -- it looks like the V.A. and Canada's "just kill yourself" program.

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@RoninGrey @DW2 His main fault is in thinking that there is a silver bullet to cure the ills of the GAE healthcare system, but there are a half a dozen big things wrong with it and countless small things, each with some entrenched parasite sucking the marrow from the bones.
@RoninGrey @DW2 There was a decent series of articles on healthcare on the Daily Stormer back in 2016 or 17 before it all went off the rails, might be worth trying to dredge it up
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