@cowanon >Hey buddy, that's not very nice. The frog doesn't like that and it probably hurts really bad. You wouldn't like it if someone did that to you, would you? I didn't think so. Let's be kind to our animal friends, okay? Come on, I'll take you fishing now that we already have this frog in pieces and we'll see if we can at least catch a bass with it!

@BowsacNoodle @cowanon Yeah, but you Fredo him while on the boat, right?

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@RoninGrey @cowanon I teach my kids by modeling good behavior and explaining why not to do bad behavior. Sometimes proactively and sometimes after the fact. Every kid is different and it's about getting them to tell me the truth and learn right from wrong enough to make wise decisions. When I KNOW they did what they knew was wrong, it's easy to discipline and take appropriate escalations.
@RoninGrey @cowanon Like when I mentioned how it'd turn into a fishing trip with my sons, it's because I'm that confident it would only ever happen once.
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