A big part of all this is that men have become too weak and they don't support women. Instead they treat them like equals and that means girls are subject to the hyper-competitive world of men & a girl competes via her looks.


@TylerAbeoJordan Women just are never satisfied until there's nothing left. This has nothing to do with competing with men.

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They are forced into the workplace to compete with each other (and to a lesser degree with men).

They need strong men so they can stay at home and be women, and not have to compete with everyone else for $$$.

@TylerAbeoJordan Yes, I'm sure she didn't stay home because there wasn't a strong man around. She would have been perfectly satisfied with a single income life. If only society hadn't forced her into the workplace and forced her to vote for policies that caused the economy to self-destruct. Poor women. No woman would leave a strong man once they had him, right?

Sounds like you don't need my advice. I'll see myself out.

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