
Gavin Newsome is a 6’3 Alpha educated male elitist,he is compassionate and mislead by his superior socialist ego and white guilt to deny his Ubermensch.Propaganda has manipulated his existence Thru time travel.He could have been a great man,but is cucked, and will never solve California’s problems or amount to his full potential

@VeganMGTOW OMG he must also be a Vegan I never would have think it until you chimed in to defend him

@VeganMGTOW But I believe our existence has been altered by Time travel so go eat some beats live well and prosper

In his soul he’s too much of a faggot. Zero grit no balls. jumps on the woke authoritarian agenda to try to assert himself and not feel like a pussy.

Rich kid with pampered life, enjoying spoils. Was wine merchant. Nothing to build character. The political machine is one giant antibody to strong men of principle.

Even that fake ass salon hair culturally appropriates Irish mob bosses.

But like the pop song says, “you’ve got the look.”

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