So this "one race the human race" family decided to start a nonprofit in Haiti to white knight for these animals 24-7. It literally paid off by two young White adults being murdered in a most grotesque manner; their entire life's work left wasted & plundered in mere minutes, all by the very people to their lives were fully dedicated.

I have zero sympathy for this family. ZERO.

In fact, I'm glad this family is completely ripped apart.

See, as much as we all know that every last nigger, kike, faggot, tranny & pedo deserve to be exterminated, their White enablers deserve far, far worse.

We all must realize that this problem must be treated like removing cancer, in the respect that some healthy tissue around the disease necessarily must be removed, lest there be a risk of the cancer returning.

Yes, they're White, but the basic fact of the matter is that these two that were murdered were absolutely 100% part of the problem. They died in the name of the diversity they lovingly nurtured & willingly enabled. They died in the pursuit of the jewish condition they blindly sought with full devotion.

The tragic part? This brainwashed family will double-down on their efforts down in that shithole. Let them eat cake.

Enjoy your fifty pieces of silver in hell you two.

@doonxib @TrevorGoodchild @UnCL3

@Spartan_118 @doonxib @TrevorGoodchild @UnCL3 I worked with a white guy he was in a Puerto Rican motorcycle club,fucking Florida..his parents were missionaries in Haiti when he was a kid he spoke Haitian Creole fluently,working construction on site with some Haitian duct insulators all day they was mumbling that bull shit,and I kept getting redneck on em’,he would tell me some of the nigger shit they was saying,end of the day he spoke in Creole they were kerfunkled

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