65 year old Columbian guy at work gave me this said to dip it like tobacco for energy,
Any Spanish readers know what this is? I'm buzzing
@Rasterman Thanks,he said it gives you energy and makes you not hungry,I am an avid snuff user and he brought it as a gift from his country
@Scubbie @Rasterman native from the Andes here. This product was culturally known to steal your appetite and keep you wired and consistent so that you could endure the hardships of working in the fields, mines, and any other field trades. Problem was, your kidneys and stomach would begin to fail way before cancer got the best of you. This would happen after repeated use during several months in a row. It's only akin to tobacco in a process with many shortcuts to its production.
@embudo_blanqui_rojo @Rasterman
Thanks,I will use with caution it has a interesting flavor and numbs the gums,it speed up the heart rate and gave me a buzz not so sure they don't mix coco leaves in with the tobacco Anything in excess is bad for you I know I shouldn't use something given to me by a Columbian on the job site but he has worked under me for about 7 years
@Scubbie @Rasterman I've tried it before, I'll get you off your ass and straight into the race. But just like anything else, even food, you have to know what you are doing and not in excess.
@Scubbie Never heard of it.
But a quick search says it’s a type of chewing tobacco traditional of the Colombian-Venezuelan plains.
You’re supposed to keep it in your mouth between your cheek and gum/teeth and then spit it or swallow the tobacco “juices”.
Also a quick search said it’s been associated with:
nicotine addiction
mouth lesions, including gingivitis and mouth cancer
higher risk of diabetes type 2
more cancer
I suppose using it every now and then wouldn’t hurt… :monka_sweat: