Show newer This guy is the fucking Boomer Legend,I don’t want to be around when they lose all there money and all that is left is Ammo to spend on the Millienials fucking liberal retards. they want to push Gun Violence,he lost job,wife filed for divorce,he lost his shit for her disloyalty ,her vow of richer or poor meant nothing,instead of sticking by her man and keeping her family together.She took the selfish option,he made the fuck em all decision,Sad,but the consequences of her having the option is the narrative never spoken about

Immigration to Israel this year reached its highest point in more than two decades, according to The Jewish Agency for Israel. The figures show Russian immigrants this year alone was 37,364. The country with the next highest number of immigrants to Israel in 2022 was Ukraine with 14,680; 3,500 North Americans emigrated, as did 2,049 French.Why would they leave what do they know is coming?

Scubbie boosted

As a Gen x fuck head,I like classic cars,All the Boomers are now cruising around on electric scooters trying to sell there Hot rod hobbie cars so they can afford retirement homes.My generation still has the ability and knowledge to work on them but not for what they want for them.Gonna enjoy the fire sale.And there widows will be selling them cheap since they are all vaccinated.

You can’t plan to do the thing in a Police State has to be spontaneous

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Trump addresses, Republican Jewish Coalition promises destruction of the Dome on the Rock so the Temple on the mount can be completed on time and on schedule.If elected 2024,if he is not elected he will give them every pair of shoes he owns.

Scubbie boosted

When you question the difference in “counting votes” 100% completed on election night,and “counting ballots “ in democratic strongholds that takes weeks after the election and subject to fraud.It is labeled as “Election Denial Conspiracy”.

Government marriage,is a contract enforceable in the court system.Separate church and state.Separate the legal, done by default, Don’t participate with the Government as a Church abandon the word “Marriage”,change the lingo to a Union under God for procreation and give the leftist and gays The “W” for word marriage.and change up ceremony in their rites.If Christians want the government Benifits they can apply for the marriage license as

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.