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Scubbie boosted
Duterte was right to have vigilantes machine gun drug dealers and leave them squealing and bleeding out like pigs in the street

Red pill,Based and LARPing are now considered extremist language by the F.B.I on the internet,So guess the Matrix Cosplay meet up at Comic Con is cancelled,Looks like I shaved my beard and head to look like Cypher for nothing What happens when a women inherits a nuclear arsenal?We will all find out together.

Flashing pictures on my screen
Shown too quickly to be seen
Does not register in the conscious mind
Propaganda of another kind ,Watching TV, I start to cry
For no reason, I don't know why
Could it be from messages on my TV
Which I'm getting subliminally? Mind control,
Danger! (Nightmare!)
Doomsday! (Nightmare!)
Murder! (Nightmare!)
Nightmare! Nightmare!
Sponsored by the CIA
It's a weapon you cannot see
It's propaganda subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally Israel is in on it,bringing in there shill to talk down the BRICKS trying to compare it to the Euro. why the silently invest fucking Professor from Miami on Israel Bussiness Beat calling it a concept,instead of a reality what a con artist

The Bad Batch worth the watch for me at least 2nd attempt

This technology is constantly improving,as an early adapter of this I broke a leg by overheating a battery but I wore no safety gear so … best time ever would do it all over again

Clark Kent Trad call n Normie on the cusp of what is happening,have been watching some nice Covid s stuff He for a a good soul

I predict Whales will be banned for Asian Hate speech

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How Hollywood can kill a good band…Super spreaders. Fuck that Covid Shit…Give the singer more Cocaine and get him on stage,or do like Journey and find a Filipino guy who sounds just like him. Don’t change the sound man

This fucking guy is close to the truth,except for the Alien part is cooked up by the CIA to cover dimensional time travel

How can a President violate a constitutional right,by issuing Gun Control thru executive order without being Impeached

I highly recommend the subway protein bowl I prefer steak and cheese everything except onions and black olives.but mix it up,best bowel movement ever almost better that putting your pee- pee in a soft moist hole .

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.