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If Ancient human civilizations decided that survival from destruction from space that destroyed the dinosaurs that ruled the earth before them would be to tunnel into the earth and form an exsistance and they survived in this day.Would they give a fuck about the ants on the service of their exsistance.

1985 TMNT & othe Strangeness,Palladium books by Erik Wujicik RPG has a Insanity Table for character creation under Neurosis we have some interesting choices.But what other rpg could you create a Schizo,Sadist,Masochist cocaine addicted mutant ninja Rooster with a phobia for the opposite sex.

I hate these libs that think there stock Tesla is faster than my motorcycle that has over. 1300cc and ways under 600 lbs,after I have left them at the light by a quarter mile they start to react, lol think,I can’t drop a gear and get to 130mph but Elon told them they are so fast and electric,that doesn’t make you faster than a motorcycle,nor do you have the mindset to do 130 mph,I have to have 2 bloody Mary’s and 3 Budweisers on a Sunday to attempt this

Jimmy Dore started popping into my feed on the U Tube this one was interesting,of chorus remember that comedians live in the world to influence the Normies, and seek validation of the group think.Truth disrupts the narrative a joke has to have some truth in it to work and Comedians know this. Now because this lazy whore will win her lawsuit with her shiester lawyer,my property taxes will be increased.

Erin Brockovich must have run out of money,this bleach blonde whore is here to champion the people,until she gets her hush money…I see a sequel for this attention whore.

He just wanted to be a Peanut Butter Falcon in Florida,just give him a Pepsi, please
All He wants is a Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to him
All He wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to him
Just a Pepsi

Monetary reset began in 2017,the Bundesbank,Germany repatriated their Gold from NY Fed & Bank of England,Turkey,Austria,Poland,Hungary,Dutch & Czech National Banks follow trend Thru 2021,Investing China Belt & Road using digital yuan,OPEC Petro $ death Saudi’s,see weakness in Afghanistan,Dollar is weaponized they pivot to Russia & China,WEF Elite cultist hide out in South America,WWIII their gold will be in BRICS

I came to the conclusion in a SHTF scenario,I am not prepared to grow a garden or eat dehydrated meaLs as a survival plan,and even thou I like vegetables I don’t want to defend my garden from the masses.I have convinced my mind to accept Cannabilism as an option,so from a culinary point of view if pork,Beef,chicken or fish are non options.I will have to eat peoples.So I want to create a post apocalyptic survival cannibal cook book.But I don’t want it to seem racist,I will eat all equally

I am trying to understand how AI animation would work,is the technology to the point where you could enter pictures and information about a character and it’s environment and,then write a story and it would then animate the events of the story.with an edit option to redo parts that don’t jive.Or is this years away? USAID sent a marketing team along with 20 million to civil society organizations,independent media in Hungary dedicated to empower human rights and LGBTQi+,targeting the college age youth in lawsuits and media campaigns for a regime change,spouting corruption against the PM that is speaking against NATO Wasn’t there like a movie or something about the consequences of doing something like this……wait for it……

Jerome Powell “Restrictive stance for some time”,is he suggesting that he is committed to suppressing energy for the “Central Banks war effort”?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.