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If Disney doesn’t fuck it off,the franchise seems to be moving towards a comeback

A.I. will audit you Trannys will control Spot robots to open your door and armed IRS agents will murder you

Not sure what these fucks deal is but Sandman does interview for them

Meanwhile in China young boys skateboard around with their pussy

Hurricane prep freeze it thaw it out in the sun when your powers out Louisiana style in Florida

All the battles have been fought, Throughout time and all the battles, have been decided through time narrative controlled through time. By Those that made the deal to have power on earth and control time. nothing we can do can change anything that has happened. I am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end everything is predestined. free your mind from Time. meditate on this. You are nothing

Meanwhile when I’m at the liquor store buying the usual, some Normie dip shit comments on the fact that I got four bottles of liquor as if that was a lot. I gotta stock up I tell him before they lock us down again. another Normie boomer since I heard about that with the TSA. I say that’s the rumor,the first Normie dip shit says what’s that about I said I don’t know maybe they want to steal another election I need mail in voting to cheat. stock up on your vitamins and whiskey Boys.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.