
Whatever shape the world is there could be areas off limits to the public that other sentient beings come from



At islands censored off maps not viewable by the public

Or in or beyond the region to far north or to far south for civilians to be permitted to travel without special permission

Or sentient beings that are not from another planet but stay in the sky with flying machines or biological features that enable flying

David Icke - The reptile people


Unless I personally see it then it is not "hard evidence" or "irrefutable" to me

And even if I see it they can make a lot of art projects out of materials to look like things they are not

News can make up stuff and call it "real"

Word search for "aliens" in paranormies below

They also claim they could be from underworld instead of outer space


@shortstories It’s not real unless Donald Trump confirms it

@Scubbie This Alien stuff Is like Farts from The Media

@Scubbie With this small size it reminds me Mummy of the San Pedro Mountains

Experts then remembered the legends of the Shoshone Indian tribe, who once lived in Wyoming, about the Nimerigars – the mysterious “race of dwarfs,” “tiny people,”


@Stahesh A guy driving thru Memphis hit a Nigger,got stuck In the grill of the vehicle, he went home,got the wife,and kids to pack and loaded them in the car.stopped for gas in Illinois a man said you got a Nigger stuck in your grill. He got back on the road. Stopped in Colorado for gas and a man said you got a Nigger stuck in your grill, he got back on the road. he got to Wyoming and stopped for gas a man said there’s something stuck in your grill , he said unpack the bags honey we’re home.

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