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Imagine if you would, The amount of propaganda involved to institute a draft. And convince young men it is their duty,to travel Cross country by train internationally by ships and then parachute out of a plane into a foreign country. I’m not talking about the future,but about the past,WWII. Knowing what you know,now about propaganda and how it influenced, The great generation,And convinced them to fight and die. how can you not believe the CIA is involved in time travel.

What can you accomplish with one Mic, Two Niggers and a Jew with musical talent?

Ray Epps being charged with one count of disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, misdemeanor in DC; Just validates any conspiracies about this boomer

Most Twisted Movie I have seen in a hot minute “The Kill List” free on TUBI

I am going to go fuck myself now with a sex toy I suggest everybody else go fuck themselves as well before Monday comes

Scubbie boosted

Is it Anti-Wopp to Label a criminal organization of Italian decent? Is it Anti-Micc to label a criminal organization of Irish decent? Then why is it Anti-Jewish(Semitic) to label a criminal organization of Talmudic decent a Federal Hate Crime? Just asking for a friend,who is A Torah loving Jew,because he can’t ask about it,and allows Goyim to fall in sin under persecution;to Usher in the messiah.(Definition of a Cult).

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So the Jewish mafia infiltrated the government to set up the Italian and Irish mafia and get them out of the way so they could Control the Crime in the United States and turn nigger chaos crime loose that the Italian and Irish mafia was controlling so they couldn’t stop communism. Police and three letter agencies protect their control of the organized crime now.But we will “Vote them out in 2024.”

I would have said a Black Cat with a red bird In it’s mouth,but I never had no Pumpernickel sandwich either.

I didn’t know there were emoji’s how can more be added needs improvement

Oh yeah and the Nigger yelled at me “one of these days somebody is going to bust your head in.”Louder “Bust your head in “even louder “Bust your head in.”But when you plead the Fifth you have nothing else to say and throw yourself on the mercy of the court. Never went to jail again after that he cost me a lot of money going to court paying for lawyers Missing work and all I did was put a flying elbow on a communist At a punk rock show

Show thread I respect Judge Joe Brown I had a personal experience in his court room The D.A was trying to connect federal Hate crimes on me,I pleaded the fifth amendment.he treated me fairly even though he was a Democrat and dropped the charges to probation he yelled at me “called me a good ole boy who saw too many Road House movies”

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.