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Trumps documents that are so important to keep hidden from the masses could possibly be Classified CIA documents concerning revealing proof of time travel operations that have altered our reality

Why do we poast? Asking for a friend.

Gavin Newsome is a 6’3 Alpha educated male elitist,he is compassionate and mislead by his superior socialist ego and white guilt to deny his Ubermensch.Propaganda has manipulated his existence Thru time travel.He could have been a great man,but is cucked, and will never solve California’s problems or amount to his full potential

The euphemism Cock and Black Cock are used in this movie more than any porn ever written

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(Source Video) Drunken Master Strikes back WuTang collection

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The Jesus learned to turn water into wine from a Bon Drunken Master between the age of 12 to 33 traveling the Silk Road with Joseph of Arimathea his uncle.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.