
I've realized something awful, but it makes way too much sense
> Trump Assassin Failed
> Deep State Can't Answer Basic Questions
> Biden shockingly drops out endorsing Harris

Are they going to off a sitting President to cover their miss at Trump?

@Solo_Knight It would be very petty, but in character of the cathedral.

@TenaciousGoat @Solo_Knight Who is this "Cathedral" that is supposedly in charge of US politics and why does it hate Trump, the most zionist and controlled opposition president ever?

I don't know what's in character of this fictional cathedral, but I do know what's in character of the Jewish mafia, creating messiahs for the opposition to follow and faking miracles to gain them popularity.

@Based_Accelerationist @TenaciousGoat Unpopular Opinion. I don't think it's because they're Jewish. A lot of them are, but ((They)) is a means to an end, and would gladly subvert Israel(The pointless war and US giving enough funding to the hostile Arabs to just keep the war going kinda shows that). They want total control, and Trump is a Wild Card ever so slightly to their ends

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