So apparently Steven crowder was being emotionally abusive. He does come of as a dick in this recording. But what really surprised me was apparently he was the one that filed for divorce. Idk why he felt the need to lie about that, assuming this is coming from a trustworthy source. But I also heard the person that wrote this article was a massive leftist. Right now not sure who to believe so all we can do if wait for the facts.


@Pain66 I think he is pretty bad after watching UC commenting the video. I take back previous comments. I missed where they talked about dog medicine and that she wanted to buy groceries. He is pretty lazy and want her wife that is 8 months pregnant to do stuff which he should do.

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@Stahesh normally I’d condemn it. But I’ve had feminist women tell me “pregnancy isn’t a disability” so it’s wrong to stop women from doing anything. so if they’re that insistent on protecting their ego then so be it.

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